
This year was strange (and let’s be real… really hard) in so many ways. But The Refined Collective Podcast has grown and thrived despite that! We celebrated so many milestones like reaching our 100th episode, relaunching our Patreon, and setting new records with downloads. We couldn’t have done this without you listening, subscribing, rating, reviewing, and sharing. Simply put: we are so grateful for you in this incredible community of listeners.

It’s so important to celebrate wins, so we wanted to celebrate these wins with you! Here is a roundup of our most popular episodes of 2020:

1. Part I: Is Masturbation A Sin?

Full honesty: it was really scary to share this solo episode with all of you for the very same reason it was so enthusiastically received by all of you: nobody is talking about this. Thanks for being willing to go there with me. P.S. If you liked this episode, there’s a part two here AND this topic is covered in my book, which you can pre-order here.

2. Who Should I Date?

Phylicia Masonheimer was a guest on this episode and we got to chat about dating. Do you need to be spiritually led by someone else? What questions should you ask the guy you’re getting to know? What qualities should you be looking for in your partner? We cover all of it and more.

3. The Sex Talk: When, How, + Why To Have It In Dating

This episode was released in February, which honestly feels like it was 5 years ago. This solo episode was inspired by a situation on The Bachelor where Peter and Madison were headed towards the fantasy suites, and Madison hadn’t told Peter yet that she was waiting for marriage. So this episode of the podcast is all about why you should have the talk early on and how to approach it so it’s not so scary.

4. Are You Blocking Yourself From Love?

I was so thrilled to have this conversation with relationship coach Jillian Turecki. She shares what it means to be blocked from love, how to identify if you’re blocking yourself, how our beliefs impact our ability to love, 6 practical ways to clear the way for love, and the #1 thing you can do to unblock yourself from love.

5. Dating Tips, Deal Breakers and Myths

Stephanie May Wilson was a guest on the podcast this year (and I was a guest on hers!) and we spoke about all things dating. The biggest myth in dating? That there are no good guys out there. They’re out there! This episode will help you reevaluate what your deal breakers are and open you up to meet the guys you want to meet. P.S. If you want more discussion on non-negotiables vs preferences in dating, check out this Patreon exclusive.

6. Part II: Is Masturbation A Sin?

While the first episode was all about how to really tune in to what you really think about the topic and questions to ask yourself to guide you in this journey, this episode was specifically about what the Bible says about it and all the ways it can be a win for you.


7. Insecure: Unpacking Attachment Styles

Our attachment styles are developed in the first few years of our lives. Do you know what your attachment style is? Amanda Blair Hopkins breaks down the different types in this episode and shares how you can begin to shift into a healthier attachment style. Knowing this about yourself will help you understand and navigate literally every single relationship in your life.

8. Is Married Sex Better Sex?

I loved having this conversation with my friend Hugette Montesinos Rodriguez. She shared her non-linear love story, her love fast that led her to the love of her life, and we spoke all about sex, specifically married sex, and if it was better because she waited for it.

9. What If I Don’t Know Who I Am: Identity, Trauma and Stepping Into the Unknown with Jedidiah Jenkins

I recorded this episode with my dear friend Jedidiah Jenkins. Fun fact: we used to be roommates, so we shared some fun stories from the good old days in this episode. We also spoke about people-pleasing tendencies, learning to be your truest self, what our biggest fears can teach us, and why it’s important to name our traumas.

10. Confused by Enneagram? We're Breakin' It Down for You

Enneagram is having such a moment. Chances are you either think "that person is such a [insert number here]" any time you meet someone new ,or you think "what the heck is this enneagram I keep hearing about all the time?" Well, Beth McCord was on the podcast breaking down the different enneagram numbers for you so you can use the tool to learn to grow and understand yourself and others better.

PodcastKatherine Harris