Vetta Capsule | Ethical Fashion


I didn't know much about the dark side of the clothing industry until I met my friend Cara.

When I lived LA and would work in Manhattan, I often stayed with Cara in her Upper West Side apartment. She was a fashion buyer for a big company, and I always loved rifling through her closet to get outfit ideas.

Then one time I visited her, and her closet was almost empty. I wondered what had happened, and hoped she hadn't been robbed.

When I asked her about it she explained that she'd begun to find out about the injustices in the fashion industry -- human trafficking, unfair wages, and environmental damage.

It was so upsetting that she decided that for the next year she would only buy and wear American made ethical clothing. I secretly thought the next time I’d see her she’d be wearing a burlap sack and growing all her own food on a farm. But that's not what happened. She managed to find and purchase beautifully made, ethically produced clothes, and is still incredibly chic. Her one year project turned into a way of life.  

When I think of shopping ethically, it feels daunting. But Cara has beautifully curated a blog and resource guide  that makes it easy to shop ethically. Even more exciting is that Cara and her friend Vanessa have launched their own ethical Capsule collection called Vetta Capsule

“This is a dream for a girl on a budget who wants to look chic and feel comfortable.”

We sat in my apartment a few months ago and had coffee while she was showed me her sketches and vegan fabric swatches. When she left I knew something big was about to happen, and I knew we had to share it with you. 

The collection comprises of 5 NYC made ethical pieces that can be worn -- wait for it -- 30 different ways.


At first I didn’t believe her.  But she showed me this, and I had to pick my jaw off the floor. You really can create a different outfit a day for an entire month. This is a dream for a girl on a budget who wants to look chic and feel comfortable.

Cara and Vanessa are trailblazers, and Em and I are excited to see what happens with this project.  We believe in them and their vision, and we are incredibly honored to share Vetta Capsule with our audience.

We’re in love with this Tunic that can be worn so many different ways. 
