The Refined Man Is...UNAPOLOGETIC


Photos by me:  Kat Harris

A few months ago I was standing outside of church, and bumped into one of the most stylish real life couples I have yet to meet. Angel and Faith. Little did I know in those few moments we met going our separate ways that we would become fast friends.  

Faith has become a dear friend, and source of encouragement to me over the last few months and I'm so grateful for her friendship. Faith's husband Angel is legit y'all. He's a custom menswear designer, and was even recently names Esquire's Best Dressed Man of the Year. Homeboy got swag.  

Even more-so than his killer style and creativity, Angel has a heart of gold. He loves people, and has an energy that can light up a room. He's a man on a mission with a powerful vision for the world.

Together Angel and Faith are a counter cultural couple. They are powerful separately, but when they come together it's magic.I'm so excited to have Angel featured today for The Refined Man!




The Refined man is.. UNAPOLOGETIC

I was always told to have a passion in  all I do. If not, what's the use of doing it?

Honestly speaking how can one be GREAT at anything without having an incredible passion for it.


A passion that just screams at he top of its lungs, "I don't care what anyone thinks or says, I'm out to hunt, kill and take what's mine"!

Several years ago as I transitioned out of luxury real estate into menswear I had NO clue what I was doing.


HA! The nerve of me to think that I could enter a new space based off passion. No experience, no education and no clients. But I didn't care. My college coach always told me, "it's tough to see something, and actually acquire if you don't really want it". YOU GOTTA WANT IT!

It kills me that gentlemen these days live life with such a careful and safe regard.

I don't believe God created us to be safe. To not take risk.

Gentlemen, start living life unapologetically.

Stop apologizing for your style. It's your style.  OWN IT.

I believe that The Refined Woman needs an Unapologetic Man. A man that knows what he wants.

He's not afraid to claim his beliefs yet still have influence. He's passionate, he lifts up others, he's not afraid to love.. Even when it makes no sense. He's not afraid to show emotion, nor vulnerability. But don't get him mistaken, he's strong, he's always a man after Gods heart as David was.

He's bold.  He prays that every ground he treads God hands to him, he might have compassion, but he's never sorry.

Ladies don't settle.
