The Refined Man is ALTRUISTIC


 Photos C/O Lindsey Shea Photography

A few years ago one of my best friends Erica + I made the drive up to LA from Newport Beach on a hot summer afternoon to take a Beyonce dance class. We showed up, didn't know anyone, and placed ourselves strategically in the back row. Since we were in LA I'm pretty sure we were one of the only non-professional dancers there. Even though we could hardly keep up with the choreography, after class we were sweaty and ready for round two.

Crespatrick was the dance instructor, and came up after class and introduced himself to us (but I'll be honest...he really introduced himself to Erica:). At that time none of us had any idea that a few short years later Erica + Crespatrick would be planning their wedding! Moral of the story:  GO TO YOUR LOCAL BEYONCE DANCE CLASS TO FIND YOUR HUSBAND. #duh. But really I could not be more excited for these two + their journey together.

Crespatrick is an incredibly talented dancer (among many other things) + is a man of honor and integrity. He truly is a Refined Man + I'm so excited for you to get to know him!




To live an altruistic life is to live a selfless, outward focused + generous life.

This word has only been part of my vocabulary for a few years now, but its meaning has been something I have been taught my whole life.

"Be kind."


"Treat others how you want to be treated."

"Put others before yourself."


These are all things I was told by my parents, mentors, peers and everyone else in between. I always knew to have a good sense for other people, but it wasn't until I became others minded that the way I lived out my life completely shifted.


I came to LA 8 1/2 years ago chasing my dreams in dance, and then chasing a dream in styling, then designing and blogging and then at times all of those at once. Through the ups and downs of trying to choose a lane and stay in it I've sought to please one person and one person only: Me.

I realized I lived this way out of a broken place that was led by selfishness. I would write out goals and plans for my satisfaction, but I never thought once how could these goals help benefit others: the ones I love, even help benefit the masses. 

God echoed in my soul reminding me to be a servant of all. It didn't matter what I was doing but more who was I doing it for. A man takes his passions and thrusts them forward with altruistic guidelines. He doesn't think "I" but "You." He doesn't say every man for himself but me for every man.

We aren't meant to just do Altruistic acts but to live an Altruistic life. Just like this word is an adjective it should describe a mans essence, not just random acts. When we live to love then you will love to live. 


Crespatrick de los Reyes