A New Day


It's a New Day.

I am that person that gets excited about January 1st, new years resolutions, and new beginnings. There's something powerful to me, about a time of year where we reflect on: what worked in the last 12 months, what didn't work in the last 12 months, + what do I see for myself + for the world around me in the next year.With the beginning of a New Year we have this permission to reevaluate.

Each year I pray about a word or phrase to take me into the next 12 months. Last year my word was R O O T E D.

2013 : T R A N S I T I O N.

2015 is a New Day.


Last year I went through a Leadership Intensive Program for around 6 months. Through it I learned how much of my life I truly lived out in fear: fear of failure, fear of rejection, fear of getting hurt. 

It was crippling my vision, my relationships, and my career, but I was so used to living with it that I hardly recognized it was there. Fear was a constant companion. Though I actively chase my dreams; it was as though I was running a race with a fractured ankle. The race was still being run, but not to its full potential. The only way to be healed is to create time and space to intentionally allow yourself to 'get better'.

Although this felt like a major interruption into my life, the work, discipline, and intentionality it took for me to create this space and ask myself some really hard questions was infinitely worth it. And now it is a New Day. I'm ready. For love. To create ripples of lasting changed in our culture and throughout the world. To really make strides in my career. To invest deeply into my new church + community.


“And now it is a New Day. I’m ready,” - Kat Harris


Without it sounded terribly cheesy, I didn't realize how much I was weighed down by fear until I released myself from it. I really feel like I can fly, unburdened and unashamed.

So, yes, this 2015 is going to be a year that is going to rock my world, and the world of those around me; it's going to be a turning point year. I am believing big things for this year. This is just the beginning...


