Love the Bod You've Got | Featuring Albion Fit


Maybe it's not the most in-shape bod. Maybe you feed it more bagels than you'd like to admit. Maybe it hasn't bounced back in the way you thought it might after having that baby.

But it's the only bod you've got!

And is it pumping oxygen and is the blood flowing through your veins, and is it getting you through today? If you answered yes to those last questions - congratulations, you're alive. Also, you've got a rockin' bod!

Ok, so somehow turning 30 has turned me into this woman sage. I have finally realized that loving my body is more of a mindset than anything else. I mean, I see myself without my clothes on, and there are lots of areas of improvement.  But when all is said and done, this bod helped grow a baby and deliver it to the world and even feed it! That is an amazing thing that I never want to lose sight of. Maybe it's a little looser in places than I want it to be, but you know what? It's done some hard work.

I was actually, shockingly, not that excited to be photographed in a swimsuit when it came time to show off my new suit from Albion Fit. I LOVE this suit, but typically when I see photos of myself in a swimsuit and immediately regret that photo was ever taken and then I burn that camera for good measure. But somehow I love these photos. I love this suit. I didn't wear mascara. I didn't have a chance to get a spray tan. My legs are blazing Northern California hazy summer white.

But I gotta say when I see these pics, I love my bod. And that makes me want to treat it better. And it makes me want to tell you to start loving your bod today. Whatever that means. Dress it up in a new swimsuit. Get out from behind the desk and stretch your legs and lay in the sun at lunch. Whatever it takes, cause you are worth it.

Albion Fit has been so generous to give our readers a 15% discount code: therefinedwoman15 + Check out our instagram for a giveaway of one of their amazing suits!

Check out our Instagram for a giveaway with Albion Fit for one of their awesome swimsuits!



** This post is sponsored by Albion Fit. All opinions are our own. Thanks for supporting posts that keep The Refined Woman's doors open.