Beauty Is...Shifting | Lauren Scruggs


Photos by: Kat Harris

Ladies I have the privilege of introducing Miss Lauren Scruggs to the Beauty Is...series.  

Lauren is a dear friend, confidant, fellow Beyonce Aficianado, prayer warrior, and holds a beauty that is full of life, depth, and purpose. Without this gal I probably wouldn't make it through Fashion Week. We run around town going to shows together, process life, and order takeout when we should probably be at a party!

I'm incredibly honored to call this amazing woman my friend! God is using her in powerful ways. Lauren is changing our culture with a voice of beauty and grace!




A couple of years ago, my life took a big shift. My calendar paused, my career path changed, and my platform increased after a night of injury, or what my subconscious defined as a depletion of beauty. In retrospect, I clearly see how I easily submerged in destructive comparison after this life-altering experience.

The thoughts swirled: my life story has its twists and turns; my career path looks different than my friend who works a 9-5; my passions are rearranging and not set in stone.

I quickly came to realize that comparison is equivalent to worry; it only severely hinders and limits fruition.

Plus, if we really think about it, wouldn't life be boring if we were all the same? Beauty makes you bloom. In essence, it is freedom to be you. Being confident in the fact that God purposely put specific passions in your heart is what makes you beautiful. 

Think about it: You have been through the struggle, through the most joyous days, and through the unknown for a brilliant reason. They each fabricate who you are and how you grow; they form a deeper compassion for others, greater patience through times of waiting, and clearer awareness of true contentment. They bring you to know that the valley produces some of the greatest realization, which results in genuine appreciation for love and life.

“Being confident in the fact that God purposely put specific passions in your heart is what makes you beautiful.”

- Lauren Scruggs

Beauty makes the mindless worries disintegrate; it makes each moment worth living. It allows you to celebrate who God has made you to be while emboldening who God has made others to be. It makes diversity attractive. It depletes jealousy. It makes us real.

Beauty is acknowledging your self-worth, purpose, and passion without reservation. It is opening your eyes to the vastness of someone's heart. It pushes you to boldly run down the road set before you without fear because a bump in the road or a jolly journey will only result in the fullness of who you are.

