It's time for a sabbatical...

Remember that game “Never Have I Ever”? You know, everyone starts with 10 fingers up + says something like “I’ve never skinny dipped on a Tuesday afternoon” and if you’ve done it you have to put your finger down? Ya, that game.

Ok well, NEVER HAVE I EVER…taken 4 months off from work. Have you?

I’ve been working at least 20 hours a week since I was 14 years old + here I am, 37 years young, embarking on a 4-month sabbatical from all things TRW-related. And I am really in my feels about it.

The short version is: your girl is TIRED. After over a decade of weekly content creation, 4 years of a weekly podcast episodes, courses, a freakin’ book…and why don’t we throw in a faith crisis, deconstruction, and heartbreak while we’re at it…and ya…I need a break.

The long version is on the podcast. I do a deep dive into my decision, what led to it, and how my close community reacted to this decision.

So what does all of this mean for me + also what does this mean for you? I’m so glad you asked.

You first:

1 // I’ll still be sending out weekly emails to you with encouragement, books I’m reading, podcasts I’m listening to, Amazon finds I’m loving, and meditations + devotionals.

2 // My Patreon Community will still be alive + thriving too! Here’s what you’ll receive in Patreon:

2 exclusive coaching videos a month where I respond to specific questions submitted by the Patreon community.

1 Live Zoom Group Coaching Call (dates are on Patreon). These calls are an hour long + will be led by coach friends of mine + industry experts like: Johan Khalilian-Martinez from Novus Global, Shaun Galanos of The Love Drive, Kait Warman from The Heart of Dating, + Anastasia Jones.

Monthly Book Club is on like Donkey Kong! All fall our resident PhD Sexologist Dr. Celeste Holbrook will be walking you through Emily Nagoski’s book Come As You Are. This is the Bible of Female Sexuality (says Celeste).

To join Patreon it’s just $5/mo. + then if you want to be a part of book club, be sure + join at the $12/mo. level.

3 // Other than that, Kitty—my main squeeze here at TRW will be posting Patreon reminders + encouragements on IG stories. As for me, I’m literally deleting the IG app from my phone…and I cannot wait!

Ok so what does this mean for me:

No, unfortunately I won’t be lying on a beach sipping on margaritas to my heart's desire. I will still be running my photography business which is a full-time job. So basically this fall I’ll just be running one full-time biz!

I’m most likely getting my yoga certification this fall—which I’ve wanted to do for SO long! #namaste

I’ll continue therapy.

Mostly, I’m just curious about what will come up in the space that will arise without a microphone in my hand, without leading others, and without being the constant content creation hamster wheel.

I feel really excited to continue to explore healing in my relationship with God + hopefully move towards reconstruction.

Who know—maybe I’ll meet the love of my life in the next few months…like Justin Bieber says: Never Say Never!

Mostly, I want you to know I love you, care for you, am believing for you, praying for you, and holding hope for you while I’m away.

As I’m anticipatory of God doing beautiful things in my life over the next few months, I hold that hope for you too!

See you on the flip side,

Kat Harris