Intern Spotlight | Maybelle Szeto


Photos c/o Don Lane

How did you find The Refined Woman?

I found out that Carly Heitlinger of Carly the Prepster was being featured on The Refined Woman back in 2015. Once I saw her post, I was hooked! Loved the premise of The Refined Woman's Boss Ladies series, and I've been a reader ever since.

What does being “a refined woman” mean to you?

Being a woman of integrity and compassion, who cares deeply for her tribe and her community.

What’s an area in which you’d like to grow this coming year?

Focusing on, and documenting my journey in holistic well-being. I've started writing on Hundred Tries, my teeny sliver of the Internet, as I challenge myself to grow in all things mind, body, and soul.


What does legacy mean to you?

The meaning of legacy to me is two-fold: it means leaving behind my greatest possible contribution in every aspect of my life, regardless of circumstance. It also means leaving my loved ones and community with a positive feeling that I imparted on their lives.

Which three pieces of advice would you tell your younger self?

  1. You are on the right path, even if you can't see it right now.

  2. Don't let fear get in your way of speaking up.

  3. Define your boundaries and stand by them.

Who is a real life hero for you? Give us a few sentences why.

My coworker Sam. She is an expert in what she does and encapsulates the three pieces of advice I would give to my younger self. She fiercely protects those who are close to her, has a vision for her future, and tells it like it is. Sam always lifts people up, she gets the job done, and she's an all-around boss lady.


What’s your idea of fun on a Friday night?

Hanging out at home either solo or with a few friends, ordering pizza or Thai food, opening a bottle of wine, and gabbing about the week.

What was the last TV show you binge-watched?

The Crown. Where do I begin? The history, the acting, the costumes, the set! Never have I Googled historical tidbits so fervently mid-bingewatching.

If you could live anywhere, where would it be and why?

Rome. It was the first trip I took after college with one of my closest friends.


What is your go-to karaoke song?

Any '90s or early '00s singles. Probably Backstreet Boys.

Guilty pleasures… Go:

Eating chips and ice cream straight from the carton, in sweatpants, watching Friends.

