Em's Capsule Review : Winter/Spring


What I love about the capsule experiment is that it's making our style so personal. Inspiration is everywhere, but sometimes it doesn't translate into something I actually feel good wearing.

As I continue to struggle with my opposing desires for what's on trend versus what I actually wear, Kat will text me images saying "THIS IS YOU!"  and she's always right. It's usually something flowy, like wide linen pants.

(As much as I love this outfit below, I only wore it once ... )


Purging my closet has become a new favorite activity. Things I have kept around through multiple purges finally seem to be working their way out of my system.

I recently texted my best friend Anna (the most ruthless of closet purgers who always gives me the hard truth) a photo of a dress I haven't worn in  2 years. Her immediate response: - "Donate. I am just betting there are other summer dresses you'd choose first."  


It was like a light bulb went off. I'm figuring out my specific problem is choice, or more specifically, too much choice.

I am an emotional dresser, and if I'm feeling tired or faced with a full day of editing photos at home, I'm going to stay in my sweatpants. If I have a day that I'm excited about, I'll bust out an actual outfit that I want to be seen. But even with an edited seasonal capsule, I'm including too many tops, too many jean styles, too many different silhouettes. It can make my head spin.


So as I head into summer, here's what I am going to attempt:

Even less in my capsule

  • 40 things is still too many!


More casual tops

  • ... Silk is pretty but I can't wear it if I'm gonna be near my toddler for more than 5 minutes. So more cotton and linen and things that can go in the old washing machine.


More comfortable bottoms

  • (sorry, high waisted things that look so cute!). Boyfriend jeans are basically my new uniform.


Maybe I'll try to document what I'm wearing on a daily basis just for reference, so I know how many days a week I need to dress for, and what I am actually wearing. It's crazy to me that after doing this for almost a year I'm still figuring it out. But that's why we are doing this.

And maybe you're like me, thinking, I could never do this capsule wardrobe thing! But I'm doing it, and every time I "fail" - I find out why, and I'm getting closer every time to a better, more personal style.

