Capsule | Linen Obsession


Shop the Post: Sunglasses / Top / Pants (old) from The Podolls (Similar) / Sandals (Similar) / Bag c/o Lo and Sons

Is it just me or is linen everywhere? I don't remember when I discovered the beauty of it, but when I did the obsession hit me hard and fast.

I love how durable it is, and how it feels both casual yet elegant. Linen combines all the things I'm striving for with my wardrobe: quality and functionality.

This outfit represents my ongoing love affair with independent clothing makers who create interesting and sustainable pieces. I love investing in items like this and have challenged myself to own fewer but better quality things. It's a work in progress since I have a toddler. I can't have too many precious items -- even if they're washable, it's hard for me to wear them every day.

I love how minimal this combo is. Simplicity is my jam! It helps me feel put together and sleek.

I need to figure out the best way to layer it in the colder months. Big pants require a small coat so that I don't look like one giant marshmallow. I'm envisioning this with my short leather jacket and some pointed booties.


