Boss Ladies | Carly Heitlinger


photo courtesy of bekka palmer

Here's what I know about Miss Carly from The College Prepster. She is a class act. Of course in the way she dresses (always put together with timeless style).  We met last year at my Fashion Week Brunch and have worked a few times together since. What inspires me about Carly is she is a woman on a mission. She is driven, business savvy, so organized (I want her to come in + organize my entire life), knows who she is and knows where she is headed. Even though she's years younger than me, I have a lot to learn from this woman. Carly is a true #GirlBoss.



How I got started doing what I’m doing now

I started my blog as a freshman at Georgetown University (back in 2008!). I was struggling to adjust to college life and started my blog as a creative outlet!

The dumbest thing I ever did when I was starting out was

Choosing a lime green, very hard on the eyes, background color for my blog. Ha!

If I was an emoji I would be the

Sassy girl emoji.

My last meal on earth would be

Dominos pepperoni pizza with Cinna Stix.

I can’t stand when other people

Stop in the middle of the sidewalk and fiddle with their phone.

Are you more like your mom or dad?

50/50 split.

Growing up I really wanted to be a


My biggest guilty pleasure is

Watching Dance Moms– It gets crazier and crazier but I can't stop watching. 

One thing people don’t know about me

I've never broken a bone.

Most likely to

Get the lyrics to a song wrong.

My spirit animal is a

Duck: calm on the surface, but actually moving a mile a minute.

Coffee or Tea?


Top of my bucket list is to

Travel to Paris!

Night owl or early bird?

Both actually, it poses a problem when I hit the proverbial wall every afternoon!

The item of clothing that makes me feel like a boss is

My nude pumps!