Sexless in the City Resource Guide

Sexless in the City Resource Guide


This resource guide accompanies my book Sexless in the City: a Sometimes Sassy, Sometimes Painful, Always Honest Look at Dating, Desire and Sex. I wish I could be in person, eye to eye, unpacking all that this book covers, but I can’t. So I made you this.

This SIC Resource guide includes discussion questions, journaling prompts and exercises that are designed to walk you into those deeper places, and shine a light into those cracks, crevices, and shadows of your heart. Whether you go though the book solo, or want to start a Book Club, this Resource Guide will help guide you into healthy conversations surrounding: God, dating, faith, sex, the Bible, dating, and much more!

I hope these guided questions and prompts will give you the space to seek clarity, God, wholeness, and freedom from shame and fear.



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