Is Love Really Blind? Everything I Learned From Love Is Blind


If you aren’t using your quarantine time to watch Love is Blind, get on that right now! Basically, it is a Netflix reality TV show where all these men and women go on speed dates. At the end of 10 days there are proposals, and then another 30 days later are the weddings!! Ummm…crazy right? The plot twist: they do not see each other face to face until after they are engaged. There are major spoilers ahead, so catch up quick before listening if you don’t want things spoiled for you!

3 Things I love about Love is Blind

1. Intentions are Out in the Open: Everyone showed up to the show knowing why they were there. Ya, some people were probably looking to become insta-famous. But in reality, if you agree to be on the show, you agree that marriage is the outcome you’re looking for. Knowing what you want in a dating relationship, and communicating that is so freeing.

2. Heart before the Physical: Sexual attraction is such a beautiful part of a relationship, but it’s not the only thing. Getting to know someone’s heart before the physical helps you discern if they’re a good fit or not for you. 

3. Clarity: Since the interactions are so focused and limited, people had to dive into some deep stuff early on. You have to know what you want. Knowing what you want gives you clarity to figure out quicker if the person you’re dating is a good fit for you or not.

Lessons Learned from Love is Blind:

1. When you’re in, you’re in: 

  • Lauren and Cameron taught me that when you’re in… You. Are. In. 

2. Men don’t want a mother, they want a partner.

3. Don’t ignore the red flags.

4. Give it a try, but if it’s not there, it’s not there.

5. Work. On. Your. Ish.

  • Be the person you want to attract.

  • Go to therapy.

  • Be willing to do the work!

6. Be Clear + Surrender: 

  • Be clear about what you want and surrender to the process of getting to know someone. We put too much pressure on dating.

Questions to Ask Yourself in Dating?

  • Do you know what you’re looking for?

  • Are you the type of person you’re looking for?

  • What do you need to work on?

Finally, I answer on the episode whether or not I’d consider going on the show…you’ll have to tune into find out my thoughts! 


  • Remember the time I went on a blind date? And it was filmed? For YOUTUBE? Yep. That happened. Here’s the video if you missed it.

  • Head over to @therefinedcollective on Instagram to share your thoughts on all things Love is Blind… we are dying to know!

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Single ladies— do you feel stuck, lonely, discouraged or frustrated by your dating life, or lack thereof? This is brought to you by my free guide called “6 Tips to Activate Your Dating Life with Intention and Clarity.” These resources propelled me from sitting on the couch to out on a date. Head over to to check it out! 



Check out this episode!
