The Refined Woman

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Real Talk, Real Moms | Play

I'm finally getting to the part in my motherhood journey where I can get beyond simply surviving each day.

I've spent so much time being stressed about optimizing her sleep, my work, travel, and my marriage that I haven't left much time to play. Sometimes that can make me sad, but I know we all have seasons like that. So now I'm pressing on to what's ahead.

The good news is Charlie is 2 and she is so much fun. Everything she does makes me laugh. Now that she can respond with what she does and doesn't like I am incredibly motivated to go exploring with her. The most incredible thing is to hear her recount the events of her day at dinner or as she's singing herself to sleep, and it reminds me that it's worth the trouble to do activities with her on a daily basis.

My goal is to allow her to experiment and experience life without hovering over her at every turn.

But for a mom with anxiety this is such a challenge! I try to find grace and allow myself one relaxed day for every adventure day. I'm grateful to live in a place where we have so many options, but sometimes we have to deal with traffic -- and then there's her need to still nap.

I'm grateful for the Saturdays when I'm not working, because I'm more likely to go on an adventure and be lenient with her naps when my husband Aaron is with me. He balances me out in the best way.

This is an area where I would really like to learn more from other mothers. What do you love to do with your toddler -- at home or out on adventures?

I am excited to check out the other posts in our real talk series and I hope you check them out too!

Jen | Erin | Samantha | Alex | Hilary | Sarah | Amy | Caitlin | Rebecca

