The Refined Woman

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Boss Ladies | Jasmine Star

Photo c/o Trevor Hoehne

Much of where I am today is because of Jasmine. Hers was the very first photography workshop I ever took. She personally connected me to some of my best and dearest friends, all because I told her I didn't know any photographers in the SF Bay Area. She is generously gives herself, her time, and her knowledge to anyone she meets and that inspires me like crazy, in a world where everyone is protecting that stuff like gold, she just gives it away. And I think that's what makes her such a force. Seriously, J - you are one boss lady. We love you like crazy!

How I got started doing what I’m doing now

I was in law school and really depressed because my mom had a relapse with brain cancer. I made the decision to withdraw and be with my family during this difficult time. An unexpected surprise was receiving a marriage proposal from my best friend and eight-year boyfriend, JD. Together we planned a wedding in Hawaii in three months and--against all odds--my mom joined my dad as they walked me down the aisle.It was at my wedding when I decided I wanted to be a wedding photographer. Of course, this was a totally crazy idea, but I'm a firm believer in Crazy and Audacious Dreams, so I pushed forward and 10 years later, my husband and I run one of the nation's most successful wedding photography studios.

The dumbest thing I ever did when I was starting out was

I didn't believe in myself. I mean, I made decisions to put me closer to my dream, but I doubted myself more than I believed in myself. I have no doubt this slowed my progress. If I had enough courage to forge ahead--regardless of the naysayers and unbelievers in my mind--I would have blossomed sooner.

If I was an emoji I would be the

Well, I'm sarcastic and quick-witted, so my friends would say I'm the poop emoji, but I'd like to pretend I'm the salsa dancer (my dance moves would make Beyonce jealous...just sayin'.)

My last meal on earth would be

A home-cooked meal from my husband...I love his kitchen skillz. Yes, with a z.

I can’t stand when other people

Put others down. Don't stop others from chasing their dreams just because you won't get off the couch to chase yours.

Are you more like your mom or dad?

I'm an eery split of both. Even down to my physical features, I'm a peculiar mix of their chromosomes at about 50% each.

Growing up I really wanted to be a

Librarian. I read quite a bit and I still harbor hope that one day I'll start a library in my living room, complete with library cards and my innate ability to whisper SHHHHH in a convincing way.

My biggest guilty pleasure is

Reality TV. Maybe I shouldn't admit that.

One thing people don’t know about me

My biggest fear is rejection.

Most likely to

Say something I shouldn't.

My spirit animal is

A unicorn

Coffee or Tea?

Tea. I might be Latina, but I'm sure there's an old English grandma living in my soul.

Top of my bucket list is to 

Go on an international yoga retreat.

Night owl or early bird?

Early bird. If there's a worm to get, I'm all about the early morning hustle to get it.

The item of clothing that makes me feel like a boss is 

A leather jacket