Sex Ed 101:

3 THINGS the church forgot to teach you…



Sex Ed 101:

A resource guide designed to equip you with

shame-free information to navigate your sexual

health in a way that is honoring, fear-free + in

alignment with your values.

Did you grow up with abstinent only Sex Ed?

Or maybe the closest thing to Sex Ed you ever received was from quizzes in Cosmo magazine?

Were you taught that if you knew about sex + physical intimacy that the information would then just be a ‘hall pass’ to premeditated sin?

I wasn’t taught much outside of ‘wait until marriage for sex’. I assumed I’d get married young like most Christian girls + VOILA…on my wedding night I’d flip a switch + be awesome at sex + have awesome sex with my partner because I did it God’s way.

Is it possible to have a shame-free comprehensive approach to our sexual health without throwing our values out the window?

Here’s the deal: the Church has done some things REALLY well. I wouldn’t be here today if not for my church community over the years.

AND…it’s important to acknowledge that though the Church was sincere with their approach to Sex Ed…they sincerely missed the mark—the almost daily fallout we’re seeing in Western Evangelical is proof that the fruit of many of the sex messages we received were rotten.

I’m not here to hate on the Church…I am here to say we CAN + MUST do better.

I believe there are 3 things the Church forgot to teach you about your sexual health.

And I believe these 3 things have the power to change everything.

Hi, I’m Kat Harris…

I grew up in Southern Evangelical Christian Culture in the height of the Purity Movement. Wow…that’s a mouthful.

When it came to sex ed, I was taught one thing: don’t have sex until your married. Period. The End.

I loved Jesus, and wanted to do it God’s way—so I didn’t ask questions.

So many of my sexual experiences over the years are laced with not only shame due to my ignorance on physical intimacy, but confusion too: I’ve said yes when I wanted to say no, and no when I wanted to say yes…many times.

Though I ran 2 successful businesses, wrote a book, + owned a home…I felt like a toddler when it came to my sexual health. I had such little BASIC knowledge about my own body, let alone male anatomy, pleasure, STIs, the OB-GYN, even the basic mechanics of sex.

I realized I needed to seek out the basic sexual health knowledge so I could move forward in my love life with freedom, integrity + vision.

In this guide I give you practical + shame-free information and resources around sexual health so that you can navigate this area of your life with freedom, integrity, vision—while staying in alignment to your values.