Tears, Fears + Searching for Vision with Johan Martinez-Khalilian



Thank you Newsstand Studio at 1 Rockefeller Plaza for providing a place for me to record this episode for y’all! No more Brooklyn closet recording!!!

I feel like I ended 2021 crawling to the finish line. (Anyone else?) I felt completely burnt out, so I did a few things: I took the last month off and I hired a business coach. It honestly has felt like therapy. I decided to record our first session and share it with you. I got real, I also got defensive at times, I cried, and reached some real breakthroughs. I want you to have a raw and unedited look into my life, my career, my process, and what makes me tick and where I’m stuck. And hopefully in the process…you can experience some breakthroughs of your own.


  • Who inspires you?

  • Who do you think is the greatest leader of all time?

  • Who do you think is the greatest leader living today?

  • Is there a person in your own life– friend, mentor, coach, family member– whose leadership has impacted you greatly?

  • Now, how would you rate your leadership on a scale of 1-10?

    • If you were living at a 10, how would your life look? 

    • What would be different? Similar? 

    • What would you let go of? 

    • What would you be doing? 

    • How would you be being?

      • For all of the above…ask yourself: WHY? 

      • Tease these questions out. Sit with them. Process. Dig deep.

Living in the Gap

  • There’s reality. Then there’s our goal, vision, hope, dream– whatever you want to call it. In between the two there’s a gap. In the gap lives: fear, failure, comparison. 

  • We get to decide whether or not we allow the gap to inform or define us. (I’ve often let the gap define me).

My Book Launch

  • I was told that my goal should be to sell 40,000 books. After 8 months, I am close to 10,000 book sales.

  • I felt like I have done everything I can to sell this book. I felt like a failure.

  • But then I spoke with friends and found out that the typical book sells 5,000 copies in its entire life cycle. 

Reflection Questions

  1. Where are you playing small in your life?

  2. Who are you when you don’t get what you want?

  3. Are you letting the gap between your vision and reality define you?

Take It Further

  • Johan and I are hosting a vision casting workshop together on January 26th at 8:30pm EST. You can sign up here.


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