The Refined Woman

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Deconstruction Part I: What Is It + How Do I Know I’m Experiencing It?

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Thank you Newsstand Studio at 1 Rockefeller Plaza for producing this podcast!!

This week, we’re stepping into a series on deconstruction. I avoided talking about this in depth on the podcast before, because I am no expert. When I polled my Instagram audience, 76% said they are currently deconstructing. And everyone’s experiences within deconstruction have been extremely varied. How do I know if I’m experiencing deconstruction? If I start deconstructing, will I lose my faith altogether? These are very real and human questions that we are all asking. I can’t give you a ton of answers, but I can be with you here as we ask meaningful questions.

Historically, what has deconstruction meant?

  • In the 1960s—French philosopher + founder of the deconstruction theory: Jacques Derrida. His theory is a form of literary analysis to oppose current structures in place. It takes two binary ideas and looks for a more fluid or abstract meaning 

  • Only recently have Christians taken the word to specifically mean dismantling and probing for truth inside Christianity.

What is your endgame with deconstruction?

  • Your big f-you to the entire system? Or is it a pathway to truth, growth, faith?

Deconstruction is NOT

  • A loss of faith

  • Destruction 

  • F- you to the Bible, your faith, or Jesus. 

  • Perhaps as Zahnd says (p.42-43) we can recognize that not all structures of belief are the same. Some deserve to be condemned, some need to be deconstructed, + some are not worth saving. But other structures of belief are worth risking everything to try to save them…renovate what needs to be renovated, throw out what needs to be thrown out, deconstruct what needs to be deconstructed, and even let some of it burn, but don’t burn it all down.

Deconstruction IS saying “wait a minute…”

  • How did I get here? 

  • Why did I get here?

  • What are the stories + narratives + beliefs I’ve received as gospel truth?

  • What have these narratives taught me about God, myself + others?

  • Who are these stories benefiting?

  • Who are they hurting?

  • Are they working?

  • What is the fruit of these beliefs?

  • What are these beliefs rooted in?

  • Deconstruction is giving yourself + the others the permission to PAUSE + say just because you know a story by hear doesn’t mean it’s true.

  • Courage to be willing to do your own damn work!

Reflection Questions

  1. What narratives about God, self + others have you come to believe as true?

  2. Where did those beliefs come from? (Who taught them to you, how did you come to accept them as true)

  3. Who do these beliefs benefit?

  4. Who do they harm?

  5. What has the fruit of these beliefs been?


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